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      รับรื้อถอน ปรังปรุงพื้นที่เช่าสำนักงาน คืนอาคาร ตามแบบมาตรฐานอาคาร ให้กลับไปสู่พื้นที่ก่อนเช่า
สถานะ : บุคคลทั่วไป
เจ้าของประกาศ : คุณต่าย
เบอร์โทรติดต่อ : 0950596466
ที่อยู่ : bangkok
จังหวัด : กรุงเทพมหานคร
อีเมล์ : samart.tha187@gmail.com
ประเภท : บริการ
สภาพสินค้า : ของใหม่
ราคา : 300000
วันที่ลงประกาศ : 6 พ.ค. 2564
วันที่อัพเดทล่าสุด : 6 พ.ค. 2564 15:39:24
เว็บไซต์ :
จำนวนผู้ชม : 94 ครั้ง
แก้ไขประกาศ   เลื่อนโฆษณา   ส่งให้เพื่อน    ลบโฆษณา    แจ้งลบประกาศที่ไม่เหมาะสม
オフィスの復職 Office reinstatement center in thailand • Let the professionals undertake all the hassle and handle every aspect of the reinstatement work. • Focus on the more important tasks of setting up your new premises and getting your business up and running. It is especially crucial for office reinstatement as you would as much as possible want to avoid disruption to your daily operations and business activities. Bring us in at the beginning of the site briefing so that we can directly deal with the landlord and free your mind from the hassle of the entire handing over process. Why do you need to do reinstatement? As it is a stipulation in all commercial tenancy agreements for the tenant to reinstate the premises to its original condition before handing back the premises to the landlord, the tenant is contractually obligated to do so, failing which the landlord may deduct the reinstatement amount from the deposit or take legal action to claim back the reinstatement works amount from the tenant. Due to the landlord needing to hand over the unit to the incoming tenant, as well as tending to the necessary details to restore the premises to its original condition, it is quite a tedious, hectic and pressurising task. Scope of reinstatement works 1. Removal of all electrical & data components –The recent common practice for most landlords is to request for termination to the distribution board (DB) and/or junction boxes. These will include removal of all lighting points, power points, data points, telephone points, as well as cables. 2. Removal of all add-on plumbing components –For plumbing works the tenant only needs to remove any pipes and components that were newly installed during their occupancy. All existing components and piping must remain and in proper working condition. 3. Removal of all add-on fire safety components –All sprinklers and smoke detectors installed by the tenant will need to be removed. 4. Removal of all furniture items –This will include all built-in furniture, office system furniture, loose items such as chairs, couches, etc. 5. Removal of all partitions and false ceiling –During the initial setting up of most business entities will include sub-dividing the workspace to cater for operational reasons. All such modifications need to be removed and restored to the original state. 6. Demolition of all add-on masonry works –All block/brick walls, floor tiles, wall tiles, etc. done during the tenants occupancy will need to be hacked away and all affect areas will need to be patched-up and made good to a condition deemed acceptable. 7. Removal of all add-on doors, windows, curtains and blinds –Any doors, door frames, windows and soft furnishings such as curtains and blinds must be removed including all visible mounting brackets and screws. Any screw-holes and damaged structural members need to be patched-up to a condition deemed acceptable. 8. Restoring all fire safety equipment to the original positions –Any sprinklers or smoke detectors that were shifted during the tenants’ occupancy due to sub-divisional requirements will need to be restored to their original positions. 9. Painting all walls and ceiling to their original colour –Most landlords nowadays will usually just request the tenant to coat all walls and ceiling white so as to keep it simple and easy for everyone. Handing over without any involvement With all the above done as per discussion and agreement during the briefing, it is time to arrange for a joint inspection with the landlord or their representative/s. Once everything has been duly inspected and accepted by the landlord, the reinstatement will be deemed completed and ready for the landlord to take over the premises. All documentations will be duly signed off and the landlord will proceed with arrangements for issuance of the security deposit to be returned. If you have further questions, please contact Mr.Samart (คุณต่าย) Tel 0950596466 , Email : samart.tha187@gmail.com